If you’ve ever had any issues with your oral health that affected your gums, or other supporting structures in your teeth, then you’ve likely undergone some form of periodontic treatment. If you haven’t gone through that, then you have incredible oral health. However, it’s important to know about periodontics. The more you learn about this type of dentistry, the more... read more »
One of the key aspects of your oral health includes making sure that all issues and techniques associated with your toothbrush care are improved and kept safe daily. Even if you begin to suffer a downturn in your toothbrush care, it can lead to a downturn in your oral health. For this reason, make sure that you always employ effective... read more »
Maintaining a healthy mouth throughout the course of your life may rely on a variety of different factors. It starts with a consistent oral hygiene regimen that uses high quality oral care products and carefully practiced techniques. Having our dentist administer a dental checkup twice a year can further help to clean your teeth, while he also examines your mouth... read more »
If you are aligning your teeth with orthodontic aligners, then it’s important to properly care for your teeth, gums and appliance. One way to care for these things is to follow the food and beverage rules set aside for orthodontic treatment with aligners. Now, you likely already know the rules, but our dentists, Dr. Seth Rumley, and Dr. Raj Prajapati,... read more »
Are you aware of the risks associated with the failure to implement effective oral hygiene routines? Eventually, even minor issues with your oral healthcare can lead to big problems with your teeth and gums, which is especially true as you age, as damage can often be increased and become more prominent than when you were younger. One oral health risk... read more »
Sometimes an accidental fall or blow to the face can impact a tooth without causing any initial pain or causing overt damage to the tooth’s enamel layer. In some of these cases, you might only suffer some minor swelling or facial bruising. But a few days later, you could develop a toothache or pain in the surrounding gums. This could... read more »
If you think you have a pristine knowledge of dental care, it’s time to find out for sure! Our dentists, Dr. Seth Rumley, and Dr. Raj Prajapati, encourage you to test your knowledge by taking our dental care quiz. While you take the quiz, we hope you learn something new because the more you know about dental care, the better... read more »
If you wish for a beautiful smile, it is important to think about any to tooth restorations you may want. Typically, the type of damage you have suffered will indicate what sort of treatment will be best for you. However, in numerous instances when the damage is too severe to be fixed by normal restorations, a dental crown can... read more »
In order to ensure your smile has the best chance of success, establish an effective tooth restoration treatment plan for any oral accidents or injuries that arise. Risk and damage prevention can greatly improve your recovery time and ensure your smile can thrive in the future no matter what is thrown your way. However, tooth loss does happen from... read more »
In order to receive the oral health care necessary for a spectacular smile, always look for indications of any toothaches that are present. Toothaches can arise at any time and must be treated to ensure that bacteria will not further damage to the pulp of the tooth. If the pulp is damaged, tooth death will occur. To protect your smile,... read more »