What Do Your Teeth Do?

Can you name every type of tooth in your mouth? Do you know how many of each tooth you have or what your teeth do? Generally, every mouth has four types of teeth: incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. Children typically have twenty primary teeth while adults usually have thirty-two. As you probably know, each type of tooth serves different functions.... read more »

Don’t Let Sensitive Teeth Stop Your Smile

If you experience tooth sensitivity, you don’t have to let it prevent you from feeling your best! The reason your tooth hurts is because the sensitive layer—dentin—beneath tooth enamel is exposed. Dentin is the layer under the tooth’s enamel containing microscopic tubules filled with nerve endings. In a healthy tooth, the enamel in a crown protects the more sensitive layer... read more »

Why Invisalign®?

Do you wish your smile was straighter and more attractive? A straight smile is not only gorgeous and can boost your self-confidence, but it can also improve the health of your teeth. Braces are a great way to achieve a straight smile, but they can be uncomfortable and may interfere with your lifestyle. Fortunately, there is another option. Invisalign® is... read more »

The Symptoms, Triggers, and Other Details About Toothaches

Toothaches can be tricky at times—mostly because they can be somewhat of a mystery. However, many tend to take control of their toothaches if they know more about them. So, if you are currently experiencing a toothache, we are happy to help you know more about it by giving you the following information: What causes a toothache? The cause of... read more »

Start Improving the Appearance of Your Smile With a Resolution

As New Year’s quickly approaches, have you thought about the resolution you’re going to make this year? Well, why don’t you make this resolution for your smile? There are many things you can do to finally achieve the smile of your dreams, and our team at Midtown Dental encourages you to take the first step by committing to one or... read more »

What to Expect When Attending Your Dental Cleaning Appointment

Some people find dental cleanings to be a little nerve wracking and scary, but we think that might be because they aren’t sure what to expect while they sit in the dental chair. If you are one of these people, we are happy to help you by telling you exactly what you can expect when you come into our office... read more »

Preventing Gingivitis from Advancing Into Periodontitis

Is your smile as bright as it can be? Do your pearly whites shine when you flash them? Are your gums pink and firm or red, swollen and inflamed? If your gums are not healthy they will definitely affect your smile, and you won't be a picture of good health without them! The earliest stage of gum disease is called... read more »

The Beauty of Veneers

There are a variety of choices available in modern dentistry to give you a beautiful smile when you have problems with your teeth. Next to brushing and flossing your teeth, dental veneers are a generally painless, fairly quick solution to restoring your smile. These wafer-thin shells are bonded over your front teeth if you currently suffer from chipped, cracked, or... read more »

How to Prevent Oral Health Disasters

Being able to maintain proper oral health is easier than many people think. By giving yourself healthy habits of brushing twice a day, flossing each day, and visiting your dentist every six months, you can give yourself positive oral health while preventing oral disasters. During your dental cleaning and checkup, your dentist will check your teeth for cavities. This is... read more »

Repairing Darkened Teeth

Did you know that eating some foods (like chocolate and berries) could darken your teeth? Or that smoking or drinking coffee could stain your teeth? Did you know that even something as innocent and unavoidable as aging can steal some of your smile’s luster? Fortunately, teeth whitening is available to counteract these problems. But, what do you do if you... read more »