Have you ever heard that your oral health can be connected to your overall health? Well, it’s true, according to studies and research. This means maintaining a healthy mouth can help you have a healthy body. In fact, unhealthy teeth and gums are often found as a symptom of a myriad of health issues, including: -Diabetes: People with diabetes are... read more »
Bad breath can be really embarrassing and can have a huge impact on your self-confidence. Sometimes, you could have bad breath because of the foods you eat, but if you have consistent bad breath, also known as halitosis, there are a few things you should know. Halitosis is often caused by germs from food particles that are left in your... read more »
Bad breath can be really embarrassing and can have a huge impact on your self-confidence. Sometimes, you could have bad breath because of the foods you eat, but if you have consistent bad breath, also known as halitosis, there are a few things you should know. Halitosis is often caused by germs from food particles that are left in your... read more »
Have you suffered an oral accident or damaged any tooth that requires an extraction? A tooth extraction is often needed for teeth so badly damaged they are beyond repair or stand to cause infection or further damage to your mouth. If you are in need of an extraction, we here at Midtown Dental take pride in providing the finest quality... read more »
Are you interested in having a healthy, strong smile? If so, you probably understand that you’ll need to brush your teeth for two minutes at a time every day. You also probably know that you should also floss and visit a dentist twice a year. Still, even if you do all of these things, you may need professional help. Did... read more »
Dental crowns are one of the most commonly used dental restoration treatments available. They are incredibly flexible, being able to treat a large number of different dental issues, from the purely cosmetic to the structural. Here are some of the dental issues dental crowns can treat: -You need to protect a weak tooth from tooth decay or from breaking. -You... read more »
Your tooth enamel is composed of microscopic mineral structures. The density of these minerals is what gives your teeth the strength to bite and chew food. However, it is possible for the acidic foods and beverages you consume throughout the day to deplete a microscopic amount of these minerals. Chronic enamel erosion can create microscopic channels through the enamel, exposing... read more »
Having a healthy lifestyle can help your smile in more ways than you might realize. This is why our Midtown Dental team encourages you to have a healthy lifestyle. It will help you have a top-notch oral health and a superb life. To help you accomplish this goal, we recommend doing the following things: Keep up on oral hygiene: Keep... read more »
Do you ever think about what else you can do to keep your smile in excellent condition? If so, you are not alone. With health becoming a higher priority in our nation, many people are now turning more to cosmetic dentistry and other options to keep their oral health in check. However, did you know that there are specific foods... read more »
The American Dental Hygienists Association has shared that October is National Dental Hygiene Month. At Midtown Dental in Raleigh, North Carolina, Dr. Rumley, Dr. Maness and Dr. Prajapati wish our patients a spookily safe October by sharing that message known as “Do The Daily 4”. This message is quite possibly the most important aspect of an effective oral health routine,... read more »